Monthly Archives: August 2015

What’s your story?




The response is almost always the same, “Our work can tell a story.”

Many of our projects over the years provide testament to that thought and this year has been no exception. From a family heirloom home being restored to its original grandeur to become the centerpiece to a wedding celebration, to conveying the often morbid, but important, working relationship of two forensic scientists, or the tiny placement of a traveling garden gnome, our projects typically find their footing in being distinctive, fun and memorable. As we meet with clients, and the brainstorming process begins, we usually look beyond the obvious and work to mine out the important details that really drive home a complete story. We want our work to be so unique that anybody would leap at the chance to be able to come and share the day.

So it’s safe to say that we find it challenging to design invitations that are text on paper and mailed in a plain envelope. Our work strives to be engaging, thought provoking, and different. We push the envelope (for lack of better words), to try new things, challenge our team and be the best we can. It’s a mantra we follow and will always.

We look forward to sharing our projects and process with you through our new website and blog. Thank you for visiting. We have many stories to share.